Current gametime: NE 1228 Saban 26 @ 4:00
The Wheel of Time is a wonderful series written by Robert Jordan and published
by Tor Books. It currently spans nine books,
the latest one having been published in November of 2000. The series it is
said will likely take another few books to wrap up, but we are getting close
to the end. Finding out the conclusion will be a blessing and a sad time for
all the Wheel of Time addicts out there.
If you find yourself curious about different names or things that people in
the MUD are talking about, or that you might come across in your wanderings,
enter the crash course page and read the information
contained therein. All of the help entries that have a (WOT) tag after them
are information about the world, whereas those without the tag are information
about playing the game, using commands, or other such details.
To purchase Winter's Heart or any of Robert Jordan's other books from
please follow the graphic link to the left and help support this site and
game. THANKS!