I remember reading a request for ideas for trollocs similar to talents. My idea isn't quite like talents but can add some interesting stuff.
So give bonuses based on animal parts.
Eagle might give added eyesight, or ability to see tracks
horns might add a random gore attack
hooves tracks look like a horse/goat/etc or have bonus to kick somehow
Maybe bovine if there is something like that is harder to bash due to mass
"scent" style tracking for a wolf/dog whatnot similar to trace perhaps
Maybe bear could have added strength, something could give dex bonus etc. Might help shape play instead of everyone going armor and clubs or longswords
Moderator: Builders
Re: Trollocs?
Something similar to this had been advocated continuously since DS was opened by myself.
Unfortunately, comes down to coding time being required.
At present, it's not a priority - trollocs already have exceptional strength/constitution, partial darksight, the ability to butcher and eat limbs from most things (though this is a bit of a bug), and usually top out at well over a 100 hit points higher than other races, better movement rate in the Blight, the only race that has a remort (fade), etc - I'm sure there's a few other things I'm missing.
Unfortunately, comes down to coding time being required.
At present, it's not a priority - trollocs already have exceptional strength/constitution, partial darksight, the ability to butcher and eat limbs from most things (though this is a bit of a bug), and usually top out at well over a 100 hit points higher than other races, better movement rate in the Blight, the only race that has a remort (fade), etc - I'm sure there's a few other things I'm missing.
"How the fades must gnash their teeth......."
Demandred of the Forsaken.
Demandred of the Forsaken.