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Immortal Policy

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:11 pm
by Ganelon
All Immortals are considered OOC, when in their own bodies. All interactions with immortals when in their own bodies are OOC.

Immortal Policies

* Immortals cannot do anything that would affect their own mortal(s), with their Immortal character. This includes reimbursements, corpse recovery,
disciplinary actions, disciplinary pardon, clan enlistment, clan ranking, retaliation against whomever killed them, etc.

ABADDON EDIT: Due to Immortals having to attend to RL from time to time, it is not possible to always have another Immortal around. Presently, this is not a problem, but Niila and I have seen long stretches where we were the only ones.
If you must do something for your own mortal because there simply is nobody else, you must give full details of any actions taken to either Niila or myself.
And if you've gotten to Immortal status, you know what is kosher, and what isn't. Reimbursing yourself for a bugged out trigger - fine. Corpse recovery - not fine, you do it the same as everyone else.

* Immortals cannot use their imm character to obtain information that's available in the game, for a mortal. For example if there is a 'normal' way to find the way into a super mob, the mortal has to find it for themselves. (ABADDON EDIT: Within reason. There's nothing wrong with giving help up to a point. If it happens to be for your mortal though, I'll smack your fingers).
This includes checking loads, such as what mobs have in their possession if the immortal intends to log-in a mortal in that reboot.
ABADDON EDIT: Doing this will end in harsh punishments. It shouldn't even have to be stated as a rule.

* Immortals can switch from mortal to immortal characters without waiting the fifteen minutes.

* Creators, Coders, and Roleplay Immortals are allowed limited multiplaying.
They may log on their Immortal and _one_ mortal. If their mortal becomes involved in a PK situation or wants to super mob, they must log their imm off. The reason for allowing this limited multiplaying is so that there are
immortals available instead of always playing their mortals and never being around when needed. RP imms therefore when multiplaying must remain visible.

ABADDON EDIT: Not always possible when you're the person being jumped on, instead of the jumper. Tell either Niila or myself later so we're aware of the circumstances. That's PK only - no excuses for SMOBBING.
*Immortals are not allowed to share the personal information of a player with any mortal. This includes but is not limited to: alternate character identities, connection site(s), email addresses, etc.

* Immortals may not join a group or individual, without first announcing themselves to at least one person involved. Exceptions to this would be in
situations concerning MUD security.

ABADDON EDIT: Though the above refers to physically joining a group/individual (probably while invis), it touches on another matter. 111's can and will use 'Snoop' for a variety of reasons. It is often the best way of getting a view of things that need changing from player's eye view. Like all studies however, people act differently if they know they're under observation, so may not be informed. We are totally unapologetic about this.

* Immortals may not transport a mortal without prior consent. Exceptions are allowed when MUD security is threatened.

* Immortals may not divulge game 'secrets' to mortals. This includes, but is not limited to: code mechanics, mob loads, mob locations, etc.

ABADDON EDIT: What constitutes game 'secrets' is at the discretion of 111's. As mentioned above, we like to help players out (within reason).

* Immortals may not display preferential treatment to any individual or group of individuals.

ABADDON EDIT: Everyone has friends, sure we get that, and we also know a lot of talking goes on OOC and through outside sources. But again, if you've made Immortal status, you know what unacceptable preferential status is and isn't. Don't do it. Or you won't be an Immortal for long.