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Lady Dieslinde of House Naloy

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:08 pm
by Dieslinde
Dieslinde picked at her fingernails and slumped back into her chair. A voice droned on in front of her, jabbering about something unimportant. She glanced out the window, spring was I the air and she wanted to be outdoors, riding bareback, very unladylike but she liked to feel the horse between her legs, the roughness of its coat as she curled her fingers within its mane and felt the fresh breeze through her hair.

A cardinal flew to the windows ledge and tilted its head through the wavy pane of glass. The bird had beady black eyes, with a short beak of yellow, how fitting she thought, my House and Nation Colours. The bird flapped its wings once, ruffling its feathers it turned its head, pecking at a spot beneath its wing and extracted a bright red baby feather. The bird held it in its beak and curiously looked at her before dropping it to the ledge and taking flight once more. The feather flew up into the air briefly before cascading back to the ledge where it rested. How strange, she thought.

Caught up in the dream of being outdoors Dieslinde was unaware of the silence which stretched throughout the room. Slowly turning her head she looked toward the front of the room, past ten sets of eyes which were looking her way. “How nice of you to join us, Lady Dieslinde. Welcome back to the living world. As it seems that this lesson is not advanced enough for you, please do come to the front of the room and teach it yourself.” The old man in robes lifted his bushy white eyebrows and gestured with a wrinkled hand towards the front of the room. Master Buthos was a rough sight. Even in his Masters robes, you could tell his body was withered and feeble. Sighing deeply, Dieslinde pushed back her chair and glided to the front of the room.


Roaring with childish laughter Dieslinde managed, “Oh Mother, it’s just a bird!” She said as her eyes followed the Cardinal as it flew around the rafters of her receiving room. “A bird does not belong inside the house, Child!” her mother retorted. The woman had a black veil draped across her face and she was fanning the air above her head with wide arms. As if feed by the spectacle the Cardinals chirping became louder and more frequent. Dieslinde squealed with delight, gathered her skirts and jumped up onto a yellow velvet cushioned chair which drew a glare from her mother. “Off that chair, Child! This instance!” Her mother screamed, as Dieslidne extended an arm up towards the bird, “Here, birdy, birdy, birdy” She called to the Cardinal. The bird, which had rested upon a brown wooden rafter gave one loud chirp and flew down towards her outstretched palm. Nestling softly within the bird drew in its feathers and curled up. Dieslinde glanced down at her mother, her eyes sparkling with amusement, “Really Mother, it’s only a bird” she said as she hopped off the chair and walked over to an open window she placed the bird onto her writing desk near the window.

“I have told you time and time again, I will not have that bird in the house!” huffing, her mother gathered her stitching and left the room, her Ladies in Waiting scurrying after her.

“Your Mother only tries to help, M’Lady.” Thala, her friend, but also her Lady in waiting said, not looking up from her embroidery.

Dieslinde picked up her embroidery hoop, stray threads fell from it, the design undistinguishable, and she hurled it across the room, the wooden frame snapping when it hit the stone wall. “Blood and Ashes! This is ridiculous!”


That woman ran a tight gamble, he thought. But she always managed to get her way. However she did it. Her Yellow cloak snapped and billowed in the wind, pale blond hair blowing along with it. She turned, her icy gray eyes met his and he bowed. She grinned. Shaking his head he turned on his heel, “Load up those swords, let’s get moving before this wind catches up with us.” Overhead a bird chirped.


“Infuriating man! Saying he was going to strap me to the back of a horse!” Dieslinde paced across her antechamber. Thala sat, amused. “And you can wipe that smirk from your face, Thala, I can feel it.” Looking up towards her friend Dieslidne huffed.

“Well, he didn’t, did he?” Thala stated.

“Well, no, but that’s beside the point! And you know it!” she waved her hands. “And on top of it, you’ll never guess what he did.” Her friend, now suddenly interested leaned forward eagerly.