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An Abrupt change in plans

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:54 am
by Krinata Almandar
Born into a wealthy trading enterprise it was expected that I would become part of Almandar Trading when I reached my maturity. I’d join my Mother and Sisters trading with the Seafolk and sending out caravans to distribute their exquisite porcelain to our network of buyers. With my sisters and I running the business, Mother would finally have enough time to meet all her obligations as a council member. As a child I didn’t know what that was and thought meeting the exotic Seafolk captains and making good deals was a lot more fun.

My earliest memories are from the nursery, playing with my older siblings. Daviid and Daneen (the twins) were the eldest, Za’nyah in the middle and I was the baby. We spent many hours there under the watchful eye of Sorcha (a merchant’s daughter from Saldaea) our nanny. My sisters and I would play dress up and pretend we were going to balls and grand parties like our Mother and older cousins did. Daviid would play with his carved razors while daydreaming of growing up to run our country estate and raise real razors. I sometimes wonder if he felt left out since my sisters and I were so close.

As I grew older tutors were hired and I studied ciphers, reading and history. At the same time my Mother was teaching my Daneen, Za’nyah and me how to run the business (and how to be a Domani woman; although describing that portion of my childhood would reveal things no one other than a Domani will ever know) We’d sit quietly in the background as she worked out complicated deals. She always wanted Seafolk porcelain for her customers, the Seafolk wanted silks and precious metals. So she’d find a trader from Cairhein who had just come back from the waste and beyond and work out a deal for silk. Then she’d find an Andorian trader and work out another deal for gold and silver. Always profitable. Once she had the metals and the right grades of silk she’d work a deal with the Seafolk and negotiate for the porcelain held in high esteem by so many. Some of the Captains were nearly as good at negotiating as Mother but in the end she’d come out on top.

My Father although part owner of Almandar Trading didn’t have the same zeal for the business that my sisters, Mother and I had. If it had been his choice he would have spent all his time on our country estate raising his beloved razors. They are sleek and fast with distinctive markings. When my entire family spent a rare few days at the estate, he’d take me riding with him. He’d hold me in front of him as he guided the razor with gentle twitches of the reins. I’m sure you know they have very sensitive mouths and respond to the merest signal once fully trained. I would describe it as flying if razor’s had wings, they are so fast and the feel of the wind in my face, my Father holding me safe and secure on the saddle is another memory of an ordinary childhood. I’m sure Daviid will run the estate someday as he loves razors as much as Father does.

The years continued flying by. I studied and learned. Daneen and Daviid turned 17 on Nesan 10. Daneen joined Mother at Almandar and just as expected, Daviid took over managing the estate. He even had it turn a profit! Seems he is as skilled at breeding and selling razors as my Mother is at trading silks and metals and porcelain.
I suspect with experience Daneen will become as good as Mother.

Za’nyah and I spent time with our tutors. Sorcha became more a trusted friend than a nanny and we convinced her to teach us to dance in the Saldaean style. Mother continued instructing us the art of being a Domani woman. I think this is part of the reason she is so good at trading! This year flew by too and soon I was the only one left at home. I missed spending time with Za’nyah and the year I turned 16 I was lonely for the first time in my life. But I also knew that in another year I’d be working with Mother and my sisters and I had learned a small bit of patience.

Everything changed during Bailene! Fountains of water would appear for no reason and I’d have a fever for days. Or I’d find myself randomly juggling stones or pieces of earth even though I had no idea how to juggle and had only seen a gleeman juggle a few times. And I’d have the shakes or feel poisoned. Father came home from the estate and used all his family connections to find someone, anyone who might know what was wrong with me. In desperation he finally turned to his cousin King Almadar for advice. King Almadar asked his advisor Ashmanaille Sedai if the Tower had ever seen anything like this.

Ashmanaille Sedai, came to our home (I imagine she already suspected what was wrong with me) and within minutes told my parents that I must be brought to the White Tower for training. I had the potential to become Aes Sedai but only if I survived (she stressed this) what she called channeling sickness. She assured my parents that she would take care of me and do her best to get me to Tar Valon alive. Things were swiftly prepared. I had to leave my favorite dresses behind as my Mother said they were not suitable for the tower. Instead only my plainest, most opaque, conservative dresses were packed. Within 2 days Ashmanaille Sedai and I were in a carriage on our way to Tar Valon.

The journey was long and arduous. I was ill almost the entire journey. One day it was vertigo so bad I could only lie in carriage with a cloth over my eyes. The next it would be raging fevers. On yet another day I might find myself blind or poisoned. It was horrible!
Ashmanaille healed what she could, she is Gray Ajah and healing is one of her weakest skills. She did her best. On my better days when fireballs and fountains were not appearing out of nowhere she tried to teach me to meditate and calm my mind.
She constantly reminded me that meditation once mastered would allow me to control and use this power she called saidar.

Despite travelling as fast as we could it still took nearly 2 months to reach Tar Valon, we were avoiding some mountains and first went northeast to Saldaea. I think we stopped in Maradon for a few days to rest the horses and replenish our food supplies. Then southeast to Tar Valon. I was feeling better by then and most of my channeling sickness symptoms had passed. I had learned the basics of meditation and I could actually sense saidar. Ashmanaille did something she called delving and this time I was aware enough to notice a slight glow about her.

We finally reached Tar Valon (I wish I had time to explore it as it is so beautiful.) and went straight to the White Tower. Ashmanaille brought me to Merean Sedai’s office, introduced me to her but not vice versa, and went off to her rooms in the tower. Merean Sedai evaluated me, wrote my name in the Novice book and sent for Novice Freina. Freina gave me a brief tour of the areas I’d be spending most of my time in, showed me where my room was (It’s so plain! I did notice my things had been brought up though) and how to find the classrooms. She also explained that as novices we would be given chores each day that must be done and that we were expected to diligently study. Just before she left me to my unpacking she whispered “Never let any of the Accepted or Aes Sedai think you have nothing to do, that’s when you get the dirtiest chores or even worse, extra chores”

So here I am a Novice of the White Tower with no idea what my future holds.