We get some gems up in room 1, this would be one of them:
Arleve prays, 'Our creators, who art in 1, hallowed be thy game. '
Arleve prays, 'May players come, when thou art done.'
Arleve prays, 'In the Blight as it is in Caemlyn.'
Arleve prays, 'Give us this day our daily cps, '
Arleve prays, 'And forgive us our roleplay trespasses'
Arleve prays, 'As we forgive those PK against us.'
Arleve prays, 'Lead us not into tel'aran'rhiod'
Arleve prays, 'And deliver us from boredom.'
Arleve prays, 'Amen.'
Merc's voice booms, 'bless you my child'
The Immortals' Prayer
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